About ROC
Residents Organizing for Change (ROC) is a statewide network of residents of affordable housing, those in need of, and front-line staff of affordable housing providers that are committed to advocating for safe, stable, and affordable housing for all Oregonians.
In 2019 ROC was formed, and is working toward establishing regional chapters and a steering committee that will help move the ROC housing justice movement.
The impact of those with lived experience is an equitable way to improve housing policy that is the cornerstone of improving the lives across Oregon.
In 2020, ROC elected steering committee, supported new leaders, and continued to lend their voices to the housing justice movement for all Oregonians.
ROC is one of three resident organizing networks on the west coast! ROC joins its peers in Washington (RAP) and California (RUN).To learn more about ROC, email Reyna, or follow ROC on Facebook or Twitter. Are you interested in joining ROC? Fill out this form today! Interested in supporting ROC? Donate today.